Lifestyle Alteration Bootcamp (L.A.B.) is a psychologist-supervised weight management program that is customized to each patient’s unique circumstances. This service is appropriate for people whose weight, body composition, shape, and/or physical endurance and agility are not to their liking.
In a series of one-on-one meetings with me, you will explore your behavioral habits, make some mind-blowing connections, acquire the tools to change your patterns for good, become a keen observer of your own life - and graduate with your new and improved lifestyle already established, trouble-shot (is that a word?), and fine-tuned. In short, what makes L.A.B. different is its focus on permanent changes, not temporary drastic measures. So, at the end, there is no "now what?". Because you know what. Because you will have been living the what.
How do I know it works? Don't take my word for it - take my before picture. Seen it? Can't un-see it? Ready to find out whether L.A.B. can do this for you? Read on.
Past graduates have used LAB to address a variety of concerns, including
- Acute obesity or undesired muscle loss due to illness or lifestyle changes
- Age-related metabolic changes (increase in body fat, decrease in musculature)
- Appetite management | Craving control | Emotional eating
- Chronic obesity
- Chronic weight instability (yo-yo pattern)
- Postpartum weight management
- Weight-related interpersonal difficulties
Do any of these sound like you? Help is on the way!
Start by reading the FAQ page, and filling out the L.A.B. Screening Questionnaire
Then, text 650.416.6463 to request your FREE phone consultation!